All Day

Doughnuts and Hot Drinks

Christensen Center

Come and grab some doughnuts on hot drinks during this cold season.  Hosted by: International Student Organization Additional Information can be found at:

Chapel: Mindful Movement

Hoversten Chapel, Foss Hall, Campus Ministry Event Calendar

If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact Campus Ministry at or University Events at Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.

Sabbatical Presentation: Towards Developing a Slovenian Nationalism Scale

Lindell 301 630 22nd Ave. S., Minneapolis

RSVP  Presenter/s: Dr. Joseph Erickson, Professor, Education Department Description: Towards Developing a Slovenian Nationalism ScaleEurope has faced increased migration in recent decades due to wars (Syria, Ukraine), climate change, and other … Continue reading "Sabbatical Presentation: Towards Developing a Slovenian Nationalism Scale"

Paint A Mug (ft. hot chocolate)!

East Commons

Join us in painting mugs and drinking hot chocolate!  Hosted by: Augsburg Student Activities Council Additional Information can be found at:

Augsburg Eagles Practice

Hoversten Chapel 2211 Riverside Ave, Minneapolis

Practice for the Augsburg Eagles! Hosted by: Augsburg’s Eagles Additional Information can be found at: