*AU/Rochester Silver On-site Week (Maroon Online Week)
*M 1/17 classes must be replaced with online instruction
*M 1/17 classes must be replaced with online instruction
*Census Day marks the end of the drop/add period, at which time the University takes a snapshot of student enrollment for state and federal enrollment reporting and determining financial aid … Continue reading "Census Day"
AASA’s 5th General meeting will be a game night for students to come relax, meet and make new friends, and have fun. Hosted by: Augsburg Asian Student Association Additional Information … Continue reading "AASA 5th General Meeting"
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program interactive workshop allows participants to explore the concept of ableism and other various models of disability. Additionally, participants will examine disability through the lens … Continue reading "Disability as Diversity: Building Bridges To Full Inclusion Workshop"
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program interactive workshop allows participants to explore the concept of ableism and other various models of disability. Additionally, participants will examine disability through the lens … Continue reading "Disability as Diversity: Building Bridges To Full Inclusion Workshop"
Zoom Link: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/92796404239?pwd=bHpEckxtRDVuMVdwM3M1NHQvQXVIUT09This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program interactive workshop allows participants to explore the concept of ableism and other various models of disability. Additionally, participants will examine disability through the … Continue reading "Disability as Diversity: Building Bridges To Full Inclusion Workshop"
First general APPAC meeting of the semester Hosted by: Augsburg Pre-Physician Assistant Club Online Location: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/94284259254?pwd=bGxSbkxZeG1NRXNOTGk4NUNUUS9hdz09 Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7704363
This week Wednesday, January 19th we will be doing "Write Your Future, Shred Your Past" where you write out your intentions for this year and we'll mail to you later … Continue reading "Write Your Future, Shred Your Past"
MSA students who attended the MAS-ICNA event in Chicago over winter break will share stories about their experience at the conference.
Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With more than 150 program choices around the world … Continue reading "Study Abroad and Away Table"
Weekly chess club meet: come by to play some chess and socialize with fellow students! All are welcome: come at your leisure, invite friends; any and all skills levels are … Continue reading "Chess Club General Meeting"
Wondering what Augsburg Day Student Government is doing? Stop by to our Weekly Wednesday night meetings at 6:15pm-8pm. Would like to become a senator or are interested on learning … Continue reading "Augsburg Day Student Government"
Augsburg University Women's Basketball vs College of St. Scholastica Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18626
Augsburg University Men's Basketball at College of St. Scholastica Streaming Video: https://csssaints.com/showcase?Live=611 https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18593