Augsburg Concert Band Fall Concert
Augsburg College Hoversten Chapel 2211 Riverside Ave, MinneapolisFlute Studio/Ensemble Recital
Sateren Auditorium, 1977 S 7th 1/2 St, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA 1977 S 7th 1/2 St,, MinneapolisWeek of Events
Letter-Writing to Legislators: MN State Grant
Letter-Writing to Legislators: MN State Grant
Stop by the table in Christensen Center lobby to write a note to your legislators in support of the Minnesota State Grant program, which helps thousands of students from low- and middle-income families (including more half of all undergraduates at Augsburg) pay for higher education.
Augsburg University Men’s Soccer vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Quarterfinals
Augsburg University Men’s Soccer vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Quarterfinals
Augsburg University Men's Soccer vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Quarterfinals
Augsburg University Women’s Soccer vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Quarterfinals
Augsburg University Women’s Soccer vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Quarterfinals
Augsburg University Women's Soccer vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Quarterfinals
*AU/Rochester Maroon On-site Week (Silver Online Week)
*AU/Rochester Maroon On-site Week (Silver Online Week)
*Th 11/23 & F 11/24 classes must be replaced with online instruction
TDOR Vigil
TDOR Vigil
Join LGBTQIA+ Student Services, Queer Indigenous People of Color, and Queer Pride Alliance as we honor and celebrate the Trans community members that have passed at the annual TDOR Vigil. Hosted by: LGBTQIA+ Student Services, Queer Indigenous and People of Color, Queer Pride Alliance Additional Information can be found at:
Augsburg University Men’s Wrestling at #8 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Augsburg University Men’s Wrestling at #8 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Augsburg University Men's Wrestling at #8 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Streaming Video:
Karaoke Night
Karaoke Night
After having a long day of classes come sing your heart out during karaoke night! Hosted by: Additional Information can be found at:
Last day to withdraw – Time 2 class
Augsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Second Round
Augsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Second Round
Augsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Playoff Second Round
Trans Day of Remembrance Chapel
Trans Day of Remembrance Chapel
Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is on Monday, November 20. TDOR follows Transgender Awareness Week (Nov. 13-19) and is an annual observance and honoring of the trans community members whose lives we have lost. This year, LGBTQIA+ Student Services would like to offer you an open invitation to join us for our TDOR services. We … Continue reading "Trans Day of Remembrance Chapel"
Trans Day of Remembrance Chapel
Trans Day of Remembrance Chapel
Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is on Monday, November 20. TDOR follows Transgender Awareness Week (Nov. 13-19) and is an annual observance and honoring of the trans community members whose lives we have lost. This year, LGBTQIA+ Student Services would like to offer you an open invitation to join us for our TDOR services. We will … Continue reading "Trans Day of Remembrance Chapel"
Center for Counseling and Wellness, will offer a short reflection followed by mindfulness practice led by Tara Mader, Assistant Professor, Department of Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science, Center for Teaching and Learning Fellow. Please come join us on Monday, November 20th from 10:40am-11:40am in Marshall Room, Christensen Center OPEN TO ALL (Staff, Faculty, Students) … Continue reading "MINDFUL MOVEMENT – YOGA"
Chapel: Transgender Day of Remembrance
Chapel: Transgender Day of Remembrance
If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact Campus Ministry at or University Events at Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.
ShareShop Open
AAC (Academic Affairs Committee)
Provost Office Hours in Old Main Lobby
FALL Potluck hosted by AMSAC
Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil
Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil
Trans Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is on Monday, November 20. TDOR follows Transgender Awareness Week (Nov. 13-19) and is an annual observance and honoring of the trans community members whose lives we have lost. This year, LGBTQIA+ Student Services would like to offer you an open invitation to join us for our TDOR services. We will … Continue reading "Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil"
Ice Cream Social
Ice Cream Social
This event is for Anderson residents to come enjoy some ice cream and play some games to start off the week before a longer weekend break for Thanksgiving. Come have fun, enjoy some ice cream, games and music! Hosted by: Additional Information can be found at:
Music Dept Potluck
Augsburg Eagles Practice
Augsburg Eagles Practice
Practice for the Augsburg Eagles! Hosted by: Augsburg’s Eagles Additional Information can be found at:
Augsburg Concert Band Fall Concert
Dawah Tabling
Dawah Tabling
Come to Dawah tabling, and answer the question of the day!:) Hosted by: Muslim Student Association Additional Information can be found at:
Voice Studio Option
Chapel: Pastor John Schwehn
Chapel: Pastor John Schwehn
If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact Campus Ministry at or University Events at Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.
Provost Office Hours in Hagfors First Floor Lobby
Destress Event (painting)
Destress Event (painting)
Come join us to take a break, destress with your peers, and unleash your creativity. It's a perfect opportunity to relax and recharge as we gear up for finals. Hosted by: Muslim Student Association Additional Information can be found at:
Flute Studio/Ensemble Recital
Flute Studio/Ensemble Recital
Students of Trudi Anderson & Julie Johnson to perform, accompanist Brian DeYoung FREE and open to the public
Men’s Basketball vs Bethel
Men’s Basketball vs Bethel
Augsburg students get in free with student ID Hosted by: Augsburg Athletics Additional Information can be found at:
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Bethel University
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Bethel University
Augsburg University Men's Basketball vs Bethel University Streaming Video: Tickets:
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball at Bethel University
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball at Bethel University
Augsburg University Women's Basketball at Bethel University Streaming Video:
ShareShop Open
Study Abroad and Away Table
Study Abroad and Away Table
Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With program choices around the world and in the USA, there is something for every Auggie!You can also always visit our website,, to search programs, and get program details. Schedule an advising meeting with our staff … Continue reading "Study Abroad and Away Table"
Chapel: Holy Eucharist and Pie
Chapel: Holy Eucharist and Pie
If you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact Campus Ministry at or University Events at Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.
All About Bias Workshop – CANCELED
All About Bias Workshop – CANCELED
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop provides participants with an introduction to understanding and responding to unconscious bias during workplace interactions and in workplace settings. Relevant to faculty and staff of all levels, participation in this workshop can positively impact all aspects of Augsburg University. Additionally, this workshop explores the hidden and pervasive nature of unconscious … Continue reading "All About Bias Workshop – CANCELED"
Cancelled Provost Office Hours in Memorial Hall 118C
General Meeting
General Meeting
Come join QPA for our general meeting Hosted by: Queer Pride Alliance Additional Information can be found at:
Flute Ensemble Rehearsal
Flute Ensemble Rehearsal
Contact Trudi Anderson for more information (most rehearsals in Sateren)
Augsburg Day Student Government Meeting
Augsburg Day Student Government Meeting
Come join us on our senate meetings to hear about different issues we are working on to make a change on campus. As well as updates from the chairs of different committees! Hosted by: Augsburg Day Student Government Additional Information can be found at:
ShareShop Open
Sew & Grow in the Sabo Center
Sew & Grow in the Sabo Center
This is a weekly time to connect with others, practice and build sewing skills. This time is led by Sarah Degner Riveros and will take place in the Sabo Center conference room.
Come join us at Jummah! Hosted by: Muslim Student Association Additional Information can be found at:
CANCELLED Provost Office Hours – 118C Memorial Hall
Dental hygiene kits
Dental hygiene kits
We will be putting dental kits together that includes toothbrush, toothpaste, and a flossing to give to free dental clinics. You gain gain volunteering hours through putting the kits together! Hosted by: Pre-Dental Student Club, Pre-White Coat Health Society Additional Information can be found at:
ShareShop Shift (open!)
Men’s Basketball vs Stout
Men’s Basketball vs Stout
Augsburg students get in free with student ID Hosted by: Augsburg Athletics Additional Information can be found at:
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs University of Wisconsin-Stout
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs University of Wisconsin-Stout
Augsburg University Men's Basketball vs University of Wisconsin-Stout Streaming Video: Tickets: