Back-to-School Workshops
Augsburg University - Oren Gateway Center, 610 22nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA 501 22nd Ave SBack-to-School Workshops
Old Main Lobby, 202, 206, 208, and Gundale Chapel (Hagfors Center), CTL CalendarBack-to-School Workshops
Augsburg University - Oren Gateway Center, 610 22nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA 501 22nd Ave SBack-to-School Workshops
Old Main Lobby, 202, 206, 208, and Gundale Chapel (Hagfors Center), CTL CalendarBack-to-School Workshops
Augsburg University - Oren Gateway Center, 610 22nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA 501 22nd Ave SWeek of Events
Augsburg University Volleyball at University of Northwestern-St. Paul (Scrimmage)
Augsburg University Volleyball at University of Northwestern-St. Paul (Scrimmage)
Augsburg University Volleyball at University of Northwestern-St. Paul (Scrimmage)
Augsburg University Volleyball vs Dordt University (Iowa) (Scrimmage)
Augsburg University Volleyball vs Dordt University (Iowa) (Scrimmage)
Augsburg University Volleyball vs Dordt University (Iowa) (Scrimmage)
Last day to designate grading option (undergraduate courses) – Full and Time 2 classes
Back-to-School Workshops
Back-to-School Workshops
Back-to-School Workshops
*Last day to re-admit to the university
*Last day to re-admit to the university
* New and current students - advising and registration for at least one course must be completed by Friday prior to the first day of the term.
Silent Dance
Silent Dance
A silent dance where you can listen to your own tunes and enjoy the company of your friends. Hosted by: Augsburg Student Activities Council Additional Information can be found at:
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Join with Google Meet: Or dial: (US) +1 315-795-1336 PIN: 996282888# Learn more about Meet at:
2023 New Faculty Orientation
2023 New Faculty Orientation
Campus Cupboard Shopping Hours Summer 2023
Campus Cupboard Shopping Hours Summer 2023
Campus Cupboard is a pantry located on campus at Anderson 26. When coming to the pantry please bring your own grocery bag (since we are limited with ours) and check in. Checking in helps us provide free food for the cupboard. There are no limits on how many items you can take; everything is FREE.
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory Workshop
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory Workshop
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory WorkshopThis Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop makes use of the Intercultural Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory, which describes an individual’s preferred approach or style for resolving conflict by reflecting the individual’s culturally learned patterns for dealing with disagreements and expressing emotions. Additionally, this workshop will not only teach … Continue reading "Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory Workshop"
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop will highlight four common ideologies, misunderstandings, and behaviors that many well-meaning individuals frequently subscribe to that inadvertently sabotage their best attempts to create and maintain welcoming and inclusive spaces at Augsburg. Additionally, this workshop will provide participants with historical, current, and relevant examples connected to these ideologies, misunderstandings, … Continue reading "Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop"
Student Orientation and Registration (SOAR) is a required orientation experience for all incoming first-year students who will be starting at Augsburg University in Fall 2023. SOAR is designed to help with the transition to Augsburg and allows students to register for fall classes; meet fellow classmates, faculty and staff; learn about university resources and services; discuss … Continue reading "SOAR IV"
Community Garden Volunteer Time
Community Garden Volunteer Time
This is a weekly time for staff, faculty, and students to join the Environmental Stewardship Team to support the community garden. Come volunteer with us and learn what the Community Garden is about. No experience required, but plan to get a little dirty. It'll be fun!
Auggie Days
Auggie Days
Required for all first-year incoming students! Hosted by: Additional Information can be found at:
From Microinequities to Inclusion Workshop
From Microinequities to Inclusion Workshop
Zoom Link: Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop has a hybrid, e-learning group format that provides participants with an introduction to understanding and responding to microinequities during workplace interactions and in workplace settings. Relevant to faculty and staff of all levels, participation in this workshop can positively impact all interactions and spaces at Augsburg University. … Continue reading "From Microinequities to Inclusion Workshop"
Second Year Orientation
Second Year Orientation
Required program for second year students to check in and ensure students are prepared for the new year as well as provide students with an opportunity to discuss major and career exploration. This program will be on Saturday August 26th from 9am-12pm. During this program second year students will: Receive their new Auggie Pass (the one … Continue reading "Second Year Orientation"
AISS & LGBTQIA+ Open House
AISS & LGBTQIA+ Open House
Join American Indian Student Services and LBTQIA+ Student Services for our open house! We will provide lunch and information about our programs and offerings for the school year! This is a drop in event so come whenever you are available.