- No events scheduled for February 6, 2022.
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball at Gustavus Adolphus College
St. Peter, Minn., Gus Young CourtCANCELLED Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey vs Bethel University
Minneapolis, Ed Saugestad Rink (Augsburg Ice Arena)Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
Marshall Room, Christensen Center 720 22nd Ave S., MinneapolisAugsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey at Saint Mary’s University
Winona, Minn., Saint Mary's Ice ArenaAugsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary’s University
Minneapolis, Ed Saugestad Rink (Augsburg Ice Arena)Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary’s University
Minneapolis, Ed Saugestad Rink (Augsburg Ice Arena)Augsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey at Saint Mary’s University
Winona, Minn., Saint Mary's Ice ArenaWeek of Events
AU/Rochester Maroon On-site Week (Silver Online Week)
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball JV Gustavus Adolphus College
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball JV Gustavus Adolphus College
Augsburg University Men's Basketball JV Gustavus Adolphus College https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18787
PASS Large Group Meeting
PASS Large Group Meeting
Pan-Asian Student Services is hosting their 5th large group meeting for students who are involved in the Mentor&Mentee Program. During this meeting, we will be going over updates on upcoming events and news around campus. Hosted by: Pan-Asian Mentor Program Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7845155
Last day to withdraw – Time 1 class
CANCELLED Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey vs Bethel University
CANCELLED Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey vs Bethel University
CANCELLED Augsburg University Women's Ice Hockey vs Bethel University https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18992
Oyate Student Advisory Board 2nd Meeting
Oyate Student Advisory Board 2nd Meeting
Calling on the need for unity between multicultural student organizations, the Oyate Student Advisory Board (OSAB) was established in 2017 as a way for student leaders to unite all Student of Color student organizations at Augsburg University to encourage connectedness, collaborations and discussions pertaining to issues that directly and indirectly affect students of color. Hosted … Continue reading "Oyate Student Advisory Board 2nd Meeting"
Chess Club General Meeting
Chess Club General Meeting
Weekly chess club meet: come by to play some chess and socialize with fellow students! All are welcome: come at your leisure, invite friends; any and all skills levels are encouraged to participate. Hosted by: Augsburg Chess Club Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7704734
Pinta Mi Corazon
Pinta Mi Corazon
Join us for Valentine's day activities with music, snacks, and refreshments :) Hosted by: Augsburg Latin American Students, Multicultural Life Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7820548
Love Thy Self
Love Thy Self
This event is aimed to teach the Augsburg Community about the topic of Masturbation. Hosted by: Auggies Organizing for Choice Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7749764
GRAD On-site Weekend – FULL & TIME 1
Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Women's Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary's University Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18702
Chapel: Centering Prayer
Study Abroad and Away Table
Study Abroad and Away Table
Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With more than 150 program choices around the world and in the USA, there is something for every Auggie!You can also always visit our website, studyabroad.augsburg.edu, to search programs, get details, and schedule an advising appointment:
Auggie Connect
Auggie Connect
Auggie Connect is open to Augsburg students with disabilities and is a space to gather, support one another and find community. Join CLASS staff Cassie Charles and your fellow Auggie students on Mondays from 3:30-4:30 PM. Join us in person (Sverdrup 102, near Enrollment Center) or via Zoom. Contact ccharles@augsburg.edu for disability-related accommodations.
AAC Meeting
AAC (Academic Affairs Committee) Meeting
Share your Repertoire
Share your Repertoire
Come and share some music you've been working on and see what others have been working on, no pressure to perform! We will also be discussing how to build and widen your repertoire to include a variety of different genres and styles. Hosted by: Augsburg Student Music Therapy Association Online Location: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/99548694559 Additional Information can … Continue reading "Share your Repertoire"
Doing Theology With Girlfriends
Doing Theology With Girlfriends
Pastoral Intern Tori Remer leads a Bible study and discussion on Monday evenings. It is currently on Zoom.
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Gustavus Adolphus College
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Gustavus Adolphus College
Augsburg University Men's Basketball vs Gustavus Adolphus College Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18598
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball at Gustavus Adolphus College
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball at Gustavus Adolphus College
Augsburg University Women's Basketball at Gustavus Adolphus College Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/gac/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18632
Grad. Directors
Batalden Seminar in Applied Ethics
Batalden Seminar in Applied Ethics
Class Schedule:1st Period 7:50-9:15 (instead of 7:50-9:30)2nd Period 9:25-10:50 (instead of 9:40-11:20)Convocation 11:00-12:003rd Period 12:10-1:40 (instead of 12:00-1:40)Remaining classes follow regular schedule
No Chapel: Batalden Convocation
Study Abroad and Away Table
Study Abroad and Away Table
Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With more than 150 program choices around the world and in the USA, there is something for every Auggie!You can also always visit our website, studyabroad.augsburg.edu, to search programs, get details, and schedule an advising appointment:
GAAC Meeting
GAAC (Academic Affairs Committee)
Climate organizing cohort
Climate organizing cohort
Climate organizing cohort
Environmental Action Committee Weekly Meeting
Environmental Action Committee Weekly Meeting
Are you interested in learning more about sustainability and environmental justice projects around Augsburg and our surrounding communities? Do you want to learn about ways in which you can be more environmentally-friendly? Are you looking for ways to be more involved around campus? Do you have any ideas or concerns that EAC can help with? … Continue reading "Environmental Action Committee Weekly Meeting"
Study Session with Maria
Study Session with Maria
These study sessions are for EVERYBODY! And you can bring any homework (not just stuff for theory). Hosted by: Augsburg Student Music Therapy Association Online Location: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/94143543342 Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7714160
Summer Job Camp Fair
Summer Job Camp Fair
Students are you looking for work experience with youth and would like to work at a Lutheran Camp this summer? If yes, stop by the summer camp fair to learn about opportunities. Many of the camp directors will do a quick interview on the spot. Casual dress attire! Sponsored by: Strommen Career & Internship Center, … Continue reading "Summer Job Camp Fair"
Valentine DIY: Tree of Hearts
Valentine DIY: Tree of Hearts
Hi everyone, The Center for Wellness and Counseling are doing a wellness event next week Wednesday, February 9th. The theme for wellness Wednesday is valentine/love. We will be making something similar to a love tree that is full of hearts. Come join us in CWC lobby. You can make one for yourself or your love … Continue reading "Valentine DIY: Tree of Hearts"
Summer Job Camp Fair Working With Youth
Summer Job Camp Fair Working With Youth
Are you looking for a summer job working with youth? Looking to gain leadership skills? Spend your summer working in another town or state. Save the date and attend the Evangelical Lutheran summer job camp fair on Wednesday, February 9th from 10:30am-12:30pm in the lobby of the Christensen Center. The fair is free and open … Continue reading "Summer Job Camp Fair Working With Youth"
Chapel: Camp Fair Speaker
Chapel: Camp Fair Speaker
Amity Lantz-Trier of Christ the King Lutheran Church will speak about camp experiences.
Hmong Women Together 5th Gathering (Hybrid)
Hmong Women Together 5th Gathering (Hybrid)
Hmong Women Together is hosting its 5th gathering. We plan to reflect upon our favorite memories of 2021, write letters of appreciation and letters to our future selves. Hosted by: Hmong Women Together Online Location: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/98829182716?pwd=NmlicVQvZ29qVTN5Q2VsQXNIUEJRQT09 Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7820539
Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate
Join Zoom Meeting https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/98923011643?pwd=SUc3ZzMyK3hnT1pRRURWdENyOWYrZz09 (ID: 98923011643, passcode: 528385) Join by phone (US) +1 669-900-6833 (passcode: 528385) Joining instructions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://applications.zoom.us/addon/invitation/detail?meetingUuid%3DGsMb%252F0WTRLiWBoADQrIUhA%253D%253D%26signature%3D703a6ace27165ef86a23b1264266a4849e7a867629a93226eea70b725e1d157e%26v%3D1&sa=D&source=calendar&usg=AOvVaw0WawK87N_GcLRpujvafwlB
U of M Masters in Accountancy Presentation
U of M Masters in Accountancy Presentation
Have you been curious if you should pursue a master's degree post-graduation? Have you been unsure of what the steps are to apply or even what the program would look like? Join the Augsburg Student Accounting Organization at our virtual information session to hear how the top-ranked Master of Accountancy program at the University of … Continue reading "U of M Masters in Accountancy Presentation"
Augsburg Day Student Government
Augsburg Day Student Government
Wondering what Augsburg Day Student Government is doing? Stop by to our Weekly Wednesday night meetings at 6:15pm-8pm. Would like to become a senator or are interested on learning more about the role? Email the chair of elections Teryn Bosek: bosekt@augsburg.edu Hosted by: Augsburg Day Student Government Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7674156
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball vs Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball vs Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Women's Basketball vs Saint Mary's University Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18633
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball at Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball at Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Men's Basketball at Saint Mary's University Streaming Video: https://saintmaryssports.com/showcase?Live=157 https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18599
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop will highlight four common ideologies, misunderstandings, and behaviors that many well-meaning individuals frequently subscribe to that inadvertently sabotage their best attempts to create and maintain welcoming and inclusive spaces at Augsburg. Additionally, this workshop will provide participants with historical, current, and relevant examples connected to these ideologies, misunderstandings, … Continue reading "Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop"
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop will highlight four common ideologies, misunderstandings, and behaviors that many well-meaning individuals frequently subscribe to that inadvertently sabotage their best attempts to create and maintain welcoming and inclusive spaces at Augsburg. Additionally, this workshop will provide participants with historical, current, and relevant examples connected to these ideologies, misunderstandings, … Continue reading "Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop"
Chapel: Yahye Farah
Black Love: Spin The Wheel of Love
Black Love: Spin The Wheel of Love
The Pan-Afrikan Student Union will be hosting a tabling event in light of Valentines day. Students will have the option to spin the "wheel of love" and potentially win gift cards and goodies. Hosted by: Multicultural Life, Pan-Afrikan Student Union Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7820586
Personnel Policies Committee (PPC)
Chapel: Pastor Babette Chatman
Chapel: Pastor Babette Chatman
Pastor Babette Chatman will preach and we will offer a blessing for the Augsburg Track Team.
Bring Your Own Snag: An Indigenous Valentines Day
Bring Your Own Snag: An Indigenous Valentines Day
Come celebrate Valentine’s Day with AISA! We will be making Valentines's Day cards together as well as enjoying snacks & hot chocolate. Hosted by: Augsburg Indigenous Student Association Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7789148
Student Concerns Weekly Meeting
Student Concerns Weekly Meeting
Come to the Student Concerns Committee Meeting to bring up student concerns or hear about student concerns' projects. Hosted by: Augsburg Day Student Government Online Location: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/96740024968?pwd=VVdDS0ZIeUlua2U2NzBYVU9MOHpTdz09 Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7845150
Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey at Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Women’s Ice Hockey at Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Women's Ice Hockey at Saint Mary's University Streaming Video: https://saintmaryssports.com/watch/?Live=2&type=Live https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18701
Augsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Men's Ice Hockey vs Saint Mary's University Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18668
Augsburg University Men’s Track and Field at Carleton College Invitational
Augsburg University Men’s Track and Field at Carleton College Invitational
Augsburg University Men's Track and Field at Carleton College Invitational https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18904
Augsburg University Women’s Track and Field at Carleton College Invitational
Augsburg University Women’s Track and Field at Carleton College Invitational
Augsburg University Women's Track and Field at Carleton College Invitational https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18925
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball vs College of Saint Benedict
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball vs College of Saint Benedict
Augsburg University Women's Basketball vs College of Saint Benedict Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18634
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball JV Saint John’s University
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball JV Saint John’s University
Augsburg University Men's Basketball JV Saint John's University https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18788
Augsburg University Men’s Wrestling at Concordia College-Moorhead
Augsburg University Men’s Wrestling at Concordia College-Moorhead
Augsburg University Men's Wrestling at Concordia College-Moorhead Streaming Video: https://gocobbers.com/links/492928 https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18733
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Saint John’s University
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Saint John’s University
Augsburg University Men's Basketball vs Saint John's University Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18600
Augsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey at Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey at Saint Mary’s University
Augsburg University Men's Ice Hockey at Saint Mary's University Streaming Video: https://saintmaryssports.com/watch https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18669