- No events scheduled for December 12, 2021.
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball at University of Wisconsin-River Falls
River Falls, Wis., Don Page ArenaAugsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Championship Game (Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl)
Canton, Ohio, Tom Benson Hall of Fame StadiumAugsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Championship Game (Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl)
Canton, Ohio, Tom Benson Hall of Fame StadiumWeek of Events
*FINAL EXAMINATIONS – (DAY classes only) See Final Exam Schedule
*FINAL EXAMINATIONS – (DAY classes only) See Final Exam Schedule
AU/Rochester Silver On-site Week (Maroon Online Week)
Augsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Championship Game (Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl)
Augsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Championship Game (Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl)
Augsburg University Football vs NCAA Division III National Championship Game (Amos Alonzo Stagg Bowl) https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18505
Classes end – Full & Time 2
Winter Revival Retreat
Winter Revival Retreat
Winter Revival is an annual 3 day and 2-night retreat that Augsburg Asian Student Association Core members hold for their general members. This year, AASA will be hosting the ninth retreat on December 17th to December 19th, 2021 with a maximum of 26 attendees including the advisor, AASA Core, and AASA general members. The theme … Continue reading "Winter Revival Retreat"
All About Bias Workshop
All About Bias Workshop
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop has a hybrid, e-learning group format that provides participants with an introduction to understanding and responding to unconscious bias during workplace interactions and in workplace settings. Relevant to faculty and staff of all levels, participation in this workshop can positively impact all aspects of Augsburg University. Additionally, this … Continue reading "All About Bias Workshop"
Assessment Committee
Assessment Committee
Join Zoom Meeting https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/91746507695?pwd=dzNkVDdGRllmRi9xeU5Za1F1RHMyZz09 (ID: 91746507695, passcode: NmdzXy3U) Join by phone (US) +1 301-715-8592 (passcode: 57802652) Joining instructions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://applications.zoom.us/addon/invitation/detail?meetingUuid%3D%252BdyFX3FMSe%252ByAgRye17g9g%253D%253D%26signature%3D62071bd340bb748aa2b64ff2b68d11e57b86b14e57a030bc68411817b06b18c7%26v%3D1&sa=D&source=calendar&usg=AOvVaw1DPlKAWisyVCEqRMqYhkyy Meeting host: greenj@augsburg.edu
Doing Theology With Girlfriends
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop
This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop will highlight four common ideologies, misunderstandings, and behaviors that many well-meaning individuals frequently subscribe to that inadvertently sabotage their best attempts to create and maintain welcoming and inclusive spaces at Augsburg. Additionally, this workshop will provide participants with historical, current, and relevant examples connected to these ideologies, misunderstandings, … Continue reading "Working Toward Inclusive Spaces Workshop"
Faculty Development Committee
Faculty Development Committee
Grad. Directors
Grad. Directors
Study Abroad and Away Table
Study Abroad and Away Table
Stop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With more than 150 program choices around the world and in the USA, there is something for every Auggie!You can also always visit our website, studyabroad.augsburg.edu, to search programs, get details, and schedule an advising appointment:
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory Workshop
Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory Workshop
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://augsburg.zoom.us/j/98400859370?pwd=NXJQRmxET2VEcG5PL2s1T1RJQnZKUT09Meeting ID: 984 0085 9370Passcode: 931270This Diversity and Inclusion Certificate Program workshop makes use of the Intercultural Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory, which describes an individual’s preferred approach or style for resolving conflict by reflecting the individual’s culturally learned patterns for dealing with disagreements and expressing emotions. Additionally, this workshop will not only teach … Continue reading "Intercultural Communication and Conflict Style (ICS) Inventory Workshop"
Faculty Senate
Faculty Senate
Join Zoom Meeting https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/91716466084?pwd=cWwwUm1KRTNSSEoxaVlVc2UwbURFZz09 (ID: 91716466084, passcode: 739351) Join by phone (US) +1 312-626-6799 (passcode: 739351) Joining instructions: https://www.google.com/url?q=https://applications.zoom.us/addon/invitation/detail?meetingUuid%3DXKz0LvlBQwmNNO3OhHJg4Q%253D%253D%26signature%3D9f0e9476e3eb63e1b60ea76c5176ae6bb184d0eab59dd59e8e91688711d66e87%26v%3D1&sa=D&source=calendar&usg=AOvVaw3u0gSRsgsEGl1U10zUrMT4
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball at University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball at University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Augsburg University Men's Basketball at University of Wisconsin-River Falls Streaming Video: https://uwrfsports.com/watch https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18897
Christmas Cookies, Cocoa & Carols
Christmas Cookies, Cocoa & Carols
All are welcome for a fun event before Winter Break! Join Student Ministries as we partake in Christmas cookies, cocoa and carols! Hosted by: Augsburg University Student Ministries Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7656961
Forum Webinar, Demystifying Culture: Building an Inclusive Culture that Lasts
Forum Webinar, Demystifying Culture: Building an Inclusive Culture that Lasts
When: December 16, 2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm CST Level: Introductory Presenter: Lilian Eilers, The Blue Ocean Company Cost: Free This highly interactive webinar will demystify culture and introduce you to a blueprint for culture change that you can implement immediately in your own organization. You will learn about the cultural dimensions that make … Continue reading "Forum Webinar, Demystifying Culture: Building an Inclusive Culture that Lasts"
Staff and Faculty Holiday Party
Staff and Faculty Holiday Party
Christmas at the Cabin Thursday, December 16, 2021 @ 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Foss Center, Hoversten Capel Attend the annual faculty and staff holiday party! Celebrate the completion of a successful semester and the holiday season with colleagues on campus. Food and beverages will be restricted to Hoversten Chapel. Additional seating will be available … Continue reading "Staff and Faculty Holiday Party"
CTP (Comm. on Tenure/Promotion) Meeting
Fellowship Fridays
Fellowship Fridays
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://augsburg.zoom.us/j/93915792817?pwd=M3NYWHlkSGtIK2tQM3JwU1JKNjBPUT09Meeting ID: 939 1579 2817Passcode: nYOB7h3zThe return of Fellowship Fridays! How is the return to the not-so-normal classroom going? The pandemic is not over and resilience is not a given. But we are all in this together and we need to get out of it together. So, let’s get together and talk about … Continue reading "Fellowship Fridays"
Fellowship Fridays
Fellowship Fridays
The return of Fellowship Fridays! How is the return to the not-so-normal classroom going? The pandemic is not over and resilience is not a given. But we are all in this together and we need to get out of it together. So, let’s get together and talk about it! Teaching faculty join Bridget Robinson-Riegler, faculty … Continue reading "Fellowship Fridays"