Daily Chapel

Campus Ministry Event Calendar

Join us for Chapel on Zoom:  https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/95460363994?pwd=S1lSdks0T1cvcm96ZDNTRTlmYndUUT09

Music Therapy Student Study Time

Augsburg Student Music Therapy Association is hosting a study time where students have the opportunity to ask any questions they need or just quietly study. Zoom Link: https://augsburg.zoom.us/j/95087106275?pwd=K0FYVFdwQ1Z1cnJVRVFFcjIrQTZodz09

Pinta Mi Corazon

Hoversten Chapel 625 22nd Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN

Join ALAS as we celebrate love and friendship with a Paint Night. Hosted by: Augsburg Latin American Students Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/6893334