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*AU/Rochester Maroon On-site Week (Silver Online Week)
*M 1/15 classes must be replaced with online instruction
Graduate Directors
Oren Gateway 103Chapel
Campus Ministry Event CalendarIf you need any disability-related accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact University Events at events@augsburg.edu. Please allow for sufficient time to arrange the accommodation.
GAAC (Graduate Academic Affairs Committee)
Oren Gateway 103Augsburg University Men’s Ice Hockey vs University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Minneapolis, Ed Saugestad Rink (Augsburg Ice Arena)Augsburg University Men's Ice Hockey vs University of Wisconsin-River Falls Streaming Video: https://www.miacsportsnetwork.com/augsburg/?B=896913 Tickets: https://athletics.augsburg.edu/sports/2022/9/26/tickets.aspx https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?game_id=20127&sport_id=7