Campus Ministry Event CalendarChapel: Pastor John Schwehn
Campus Ministry Event CalendarUniversity Pastor John Schwehn will preach this morning.
Study Abroad and Away Table
Christensen Center LobbyStop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With more than 150 program choices around the world … Continue reading "Study Abroad and Away Table"
AISA Welcome Back Event
Oren Gateway Center 103Come join AISA in enjoying Smoothies and Bagels for the start of Spring Semester! Hosted by: Augsburg Indigenous Student Association Additional Information can be found at:
Faculty Senate-CANCELLED
Join Zoom Meeting (ID: 99878089979, passcode: 096130) Join by phone (US) +1 301-715-8592 (passcode: 096130) Joining instructions:
Augsburg University Women’s Basketball vs Concordia College-Moorhead
Minneapolis, Si Melby HallAugsburg University Women's Basketball vs Concordia College-Moorhead Streaming Video:
Chess Club General Meeting
OGC 100 610 22nd Ave. S., MinneapolisWeekly chess club meet: come by to play some chess and socialize with fellow students! Come at your leisure, invite friends; any and all skill levels are welcome. Hosted by: … Continue reading "Chess Club General Meeting"
Augsburg Day Student Government
Marshall RoomADSG encompasses the concerns of students and faculty. These meetings held by ADSG will indulge in implementing policy changes and student concerns around campus. Any students, staff, or faculty are … Continue reading "Augsburg Day Student Government"
CHANGED ONLINE: Augsburg Day Student Government
Marshall RoomPlease see other event description for details on tonight's ADSG meeting. Hosted by: Augsburg Day Student Government Additional Information can be found at:
Augsburg Day Student Government
OnlineWondering what Augsburg Day Student Government is doing? Stop by to our Weekly Wednesday night meetings at 6:15pm-8pm. Would like to become a senator or are interested on learning … Continue reading "Augsburg Day Student Government"
Augsburg University Men’s Basketball vs Concordia College-Moorhead
Minneapolis, Si Melby HallAugsburg University Men's Basketball vs Concordia College-Moorhead Streaming Video: