*AU/Rochester Maroon On-site Week (Silver Online Week)
*Th 11/25 & F 11/26 classes must be replaced with online instruction
Chapel: Thanksgiving Communion
Campus Ministry Event CalendarAugsburg University Men’s Wrestling vs Stevens Institute of Technology vs. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Minneapolis, Si Melby HallAugsburg University Men's Wrestling vs Stevens Institute of Technology vs. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18774
Study Abroad and Away Table
Christensen Center LobbyStop by the Study Abroad and Away Table today to get information and ask your questions about all things off-campus study. With more than 150 program choices around the world … Continue reading "Study Abroad and Away Table"
Augsburg University Men’s Wrestling vs Stevens Institute of Technology
Minneapolis, Si Melby HallAugsburg University Men's Wrestling vs Stevens Institute of Technology Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18736
Augsburg University Men’s Wrestling vs University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Minneapolis, Si Melby HallAugsburg University Men's Wrestling vs University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18775
Augsburg Day Student Government Meeting
Marshall RoomADSG encompasses the concerns of students and faculty. These meetings held by ADSG will indulge in implementing policy changes and student concerns around campus. Any students, staff, or faculty are … Continue reading "Augsburg Day Student Government Meeting"