*AU/Rochester Silver On-site Week (Maroon Online Week)
*F 10/22 classes must be replaced with online instruction
*F 10/22 classes must be replaced with online instruction
Fac. Dev. is coordinated by the Center for Teaching and Learning
Pastoral Intern Tori Remer will preach in chapel.
Via Zoom Join Zoom Meetinghttps://augsburg.zoom.us/j/92916276471?pwd=b2l5bXA4RklTRlBQQmdqdndFM0UxUT09Meeting ID: 929 1627 6471Passcode: 529699The Interfaith Ally Workshop provides participants with the opportunity to learn about a wide range of faiths and ethical traditions including Native … Continue reading "Interfaith Ally Training"
Pan-Asian Mentor Program leaders weekly meeting with interns and family leaders. Hosted by: Pan-Asian Mentor Program Additional Information can be found at: https://augsburg.campuslabs.com/engage/event/7527616
Are you interested in learning more about sustainability and environmental justice projects around Augsburg and our surrounding communities? Do you want to learn about ways in which you can be … Continue reading "Environmental Action Committee Weekly Meeting"
Augsburg University Men's Soccer vs Martin Luther College Streaming Video: https://portal.stretchinternet.com/augsburg/ https://athletics.augsburg.edu/calendar.aspx?id=18468